Shoko Kanazawa Solo Exhibition
金澤翔子 個展
⾦澤翔⼦書 屏⾵作品 《雪月花》2015年,《月光》2016年, 90×180×4cm, ⼤壁紙四曲
UCHIGO and SHIZIMI Gallery is pleased to present a solo exhibition of Shoko Kanazawa, a Japanese calligrapher from Tokyo, starting Friday, January 14th to Saturday, February 19th, 2022. Shoko started doing calligraphy at five years of age, studying under her mother, Yasuko. She has held numerous solo exhibitions both within Japan and overseas while having her Japanese calligraphy present at famous shrines and temples nationwide. Despite all her success, Shoko is still working hard to widen her appeal on an even bigger stage.
In this exhibition, we present a group of works reminiscent around the narrative of "Creation" portrayed at the beginning of the Old Testament in the Book of Genesis, along with an exhibition space that is likened to the universe. We planned this joint project with Waraku web from SHOGAKUKAN Inc. We hope to create a story of "Creation" with a calligrapher who creates everything on the white paper, just as God created everything in the universe. This is a valuable opportunity to see Shoko Kanazawa's work. We appreciate it if you could drop by and enjoy her works. Lunar communication Shoko rented a room to "live by herself". As she saw a beautiful shining crescent moon through the window she said, "I'm going to communicate with my mother using this moon, so I don't need any mobile phone.” Apparently, even if they are separated, theyʼll communicate with each other via the moon. She canʼt help but say that sheʼs independent. She doesn't have to grieve. Shoko, connected to the heavens in this way, receives "the harmony of the universe" and hopes that everything is in harmony with peace and happiness, because the thoughts from angels are transmitted from such a place. Excerpt from ʻDaily calendar Shoko Kanazawa's calligraphyʼ by Yasuko Kanazawa PROFILE Shoko Kanazawa | Japanese Calligrapher Born in Tokyo. Started doing calligraphy under her mother at the age of five. Held a number of solo exhibitions at famous shrines and temples nationwide. Donated the masterpiece "Prayer" to the Roman Curia (Vatican City). A copy of His Majesty the Emperor's work (during the reign of the Emperor). Appointed as an official art poster production artist for Tokyo 2020 (Olympic and Paralympic Games). Has done a wide range of projects, including making the title of the NHK Taiga drama "Taira no Kiyomori" and giving a speech for the Japanese team at the United Nations Headquarters. Holds solo exhibitions overseas in New York, Czech Republic, Singapore, Russia, Taiwan, etc. So far, a total of 2 million people have seen Kanazawa's works, and more than 100,000 people visit her solo exhibitions every year. Created a masterpiece "Living Together", made after the Great East Japan Earthquake, she is continuously engaged in activities to build to fruition a more unified society, such as supporting the affected areas of disaster and people with disabilities. Received the Medal with Dark Blue Ribbon. Special support ambassador of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. INFORMATION Shoko Kanazawa Solo Exhibition The Story of Creation Main Venue:UCHIGO and SHIZIMI Gallery Dates: Friday, January 14th to Saturday, February 19th 2022 Open: Monday to Saturday from 10:00-18:30 Closed: Sunday and National Holidays ※Opening reception will be held on 1/14 (Fri.) at 16:00~19:00 Maison de Ville Kanda Jimbocho 1F (Jimbocho Sakura Street) 2-11-4, Kanda Jimbo-cho, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 101-0061 Japan Tel/Fax: 03-6261-0018 email: [email protected] Website: Second Venue: Café Sabouru Building 2nd floor ※Same Dates, Opening and Closing hours as the main venue listed above. 1-11, Jimbocho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0051, 2nd floor In collaboration with Waraku web from SHOGAKUKAN Inc. |
このたびUCHIGO and SHIZIMI Galleryでは、2022年1⽉14⽇(⾦)より東京都出⾝の書家、⾦澤翔⼦による個展を開催いたします。5歳から⺟・泰⼦⽒の師事で書を始めた翔⼦⽒は、全国の名だたる神社仏閣での席上揮毫を⾏い、個展も国内外で数多く開催し、今もなお活躍の場を広げています。
本展では、旧約聖書《創世記》の冒頭に描かれる「天地創造」を連想させる作品群を、宇宙に⾒⽴てた展⽰空間と共に発表いたします。神が宇宙にあらゆるものを創りだしたように、真っ⽩な紙にあらゆるものを⽣み出す書で「天地創造」の物語を紡げたらと願い、今回は⼩学館・和樂webの皆様にもご協⼒いただきながら企画を致しました。 ⾦澤翔⼦⽒の作品を直接ご覧いただける貴重な機会となります。是⾮ご⾼覧賜れますと幸いです。 ⽉の交信 「⼀⼈暮らし」の部屋を借りた。窓から美しい三⽇⽉が光って⾒えた。翔⼦が「この⽉でお⺟様と交信するから、携帯はいらない」と⾔った。離れてしまっても⼆⼈で⽉を介して交信しようと⾔うのだ。⾃⽴すると⾔うのに覚束ない。けれど、嘆かなくていいのだ。この様に天空と繋がる翔⼦は「宇宙の調和」を⾝に受け、すべてが平和で幸せに調和していなければいけないと願う、天使の思いはこんな所から発信されるのだから。 《⽇めくり ⾦澤翔⼦の書》より抜粋 ⽂:⾦澤泰⼦ PROFILE ⾦澤 翔⼦ | 書家 東京都出⾝。5歳から⺟の師事で書を始める。全国の名だたる神社仏閣での席上揮毫を⾏い、個展も数多く開催。ローマ教皇庁(バチカン市国)に⼤作「祈」を寄贈。上皇陛下御製(天皇御在位中)を謹書。東京2020(オリンピック・パラリンピック)公式アートポスター制作アーティスト就任。NHK ⼤河ドラマ「平清盛」題字担当や国連本部での⽇本代表スピーチなど、活動は多岐に渡る。国外ではニューヨーク、チェコ、シンガポール、ロシア、台湾等で個展を開催。これまでに延べ200 万⼈が⾦澤の書にふれ、年間10 万⼈以上が個展に訪れる。東⽇本⼤震災後に発表した⾃⾝代表作「共に⽣きる」を合⾔葉に、被災地への応援や障害者⽀援など、共⽣社会実現に向けた活動にも継続的に取り組んでいる。紺綬褒章受章。⽂部科学省スペシャルサポート⼤使。 INFORMATION 金澤翔子個展 天地創造の物語 メイン会場:UCHIGO and SHIZIMI Gallery 会期: 2022年1⽉14⽇(⾦) ‒ 2⽉19⽇(⼟) 営業時間:⽉〜⼟ 10:00~18:30 休廊⽇:⽇・祝 ※オープニングレセプションを1/14(金)16:00~19:00に開催いたします。 〒101-0051東京都千代⽥区神⽥神保町2-11-4メゾン・ド・ヴィレ 神⽥神保町1F (神保町さくら通り) Tel /Fax: 03-6261-0018 email: [email protected] ホームページ: 第2会場:喫茶さぼうる ビル2階 ※会期・営業⽇・休廊⽇は同上 〒101-0051東京都千代⽥区 神⽥神保町1-11 2階 協⼒:株式会社⼩学館 和樂web: |