このたびAMMON KYOTOでは、2022年9月17日(土)より東京都出⾝の書家、⾦澤翔⼦による個展を開催いたします。5歳から⺟・泰⼦⽒の師事で書を始めた翔⼦⽒は、全国の名だたる神社仏閣での席上揮毫を⾏い、国内外で数多くの個展を開催し、現在もその活躍の場は多岐に渡っています。 本展では、旧約聖書《創世記》の第一章に描かれる「天地創造」における7日間を想起させる作品群を、展示空間を宇宙に見立て新作〜近年の作品を中心に発表いたします。 神が天や地とその万象を創造したように、真っ⽩な紙から彩り豊かな表現力とともに新たな世界を⽣み出す金澤氏による書で独創的な「天地創造」の物語を紡げたらと願い企画をいたしました。是非ご高覧賜れますと幸いです。 AMMON KYOTO is pleased to announce a solo exhibition by Shoko Kanazawa, a calligrapher artist from Tokyo, Japan, starting on Saturday, September 17, 2022. Shoko started doing calligraphy at five years of age, studying under her mother, Yasuko. She has held numerous solo exhibitions both within Japan and overseas while having her Japanese calligraphy present at famous shrines and temples nationwide. Despite all her success, Shoko is still working hard to widen her appeal on an even bigger stage. In this exhibition, we will present a series of works that depict the seven days of "Creation" of the first chapter of "Genesis" in the Old Testament, using the exhibition space as a universe to present her new and recent works. We hope to weave a unique story of "Creation" with Kanazawa's calligraphy, which creates a new world out of pure white paper with rich expressive power, just as God created the heavens, the earth and all its phenomena. We sincerely look forward to seeing you to the venue.
ARTIST STATEMENT 「今日はお天気悪いね」と言うと翔子が「どうして悪いの?」と聞いてきた。 「雨が降るから、お天気は悪いの、雨の日はお天気が悪いと昔から言うの」 と説明すると「雨は悪くない、お庭の葉っぱも喜ぶし」。 そうか、翔子には悪いお天気は無いのだ。 風も、雨も三日月もみんな悪くないのだ。 私たちはなんて傲慢なのだろう。
(日めくり金澤翔子の書より抜粋 文:金澤泰子)
I said "The weather is bad today." , and Shoko asked "Why is it bad?" Shoko asked. I explained "Because when it rains, the weather is bad, and people have always said that rainy days are bad weather." She replied "Rain is not bad, it makes the leaves in the garden happy.” I see, there is no bad weather for Shoko. Wind, rain, and the crescent moon are all not bad. How arrogant we are.
(Excerpt from Daily calendar Shoko Kanazawa's calligraphy’, text by Yasuko Kanazawa)
Shoko Kanazawa | Calligrapher Born in Tokyo. Started doing calligraphy under her mother at the age of five. Held a number of solo exhibitions at famous shrines and temples nationwide. Donated the masterpiece "Prayer" to the Roman Curia (Vatican City). A copy of His Majesty the Emperor's work (during the reign of the Emperor). Appointed as an official art poster production artist for Tokyo 2020 (Olympic and Paralympic Games). Has done a wide range of projects, including making the title of the NHK Taiga drama "Taira no Kiyomori" and giving a speech for the Japanese team at the United Nations Headquarters. Holds solo exhibitions overseas in New York, Czech Republic, Singapore, Russia, Taiwan, etc. So far, a total of 2 million people have seen Kanazawa's works, and more than 100,000 people visit her solo exhibitions every year. Created a masterpiece "Living Together", made after the Great East Japan Earthquake, she is continuously engaged in activities to build to fruition a more unified society, such as supporting the affected areas of disaster and people with disabilities. Received the Medal with Dark Blue Ribbon. Special support ambassador of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.