The Virtual Reality Tour
A solo exhibition of ceramic works by Jun Kawajiri is currently being held at UCHIGO and SHIZIMI Gallery and Wada Garou Tokyo.
In emergency situations due to the ongoing covid-19 outbreak, most people may refrain from going out.
In cooperation with CLASSIX Co., Ltd., we created the VR web page so that you can feel free to enjoy his exhibition at home.
Please click each links below and enjoy his works!
The Virtual Reality Tour
A solo exhibition of ceramic works by Jun Kawajiri is currently being held at UCHIGO and SHIZIMI Gallery and Wada Garou Tokyo.
In emergency situations due to the ongoing covid-19 outbreak, most people may refrain from going out.
In cooperation with CLASSIX Co., Ltd., we created the VR web page so that you can feel free to enjoy his exhibition at home.
Please click each links below and enjoy his works!
「中でもあり、外でもあるということ。」(2019, 30×25×50㎝, 素材:陶、鉄線、下絵具、金彩)
Ceramic works by Jun Kawajiri
Distortion, Crack, and Shining. That’s Japanese Ceramic! March 16–April 30, 2021 *OPENING RECEPTION HAS BEEN CANCELED. UCHIGO and SHIZIMI Gallery and Wada Garou Tokyo are pleased to present a solo exhibition by a ceramic artist Jun Kawajiri, Distortion, Crack, and Shining. That’s Japanese Ceramic!, beginning on March 16th, 2021. Jun’s ancestors had been involved in the ceramics business for generations since the mid-Edo period, and his family has produced Kiyomizu-pottery for four generations in Kyoto. He also has his own atelier in the area known for Kiyomizu-pottery, Kyoto and keeps creating and presenting works. After learning “Japanese unbalanced beauty” from the structure of Japanese gardens and tea rooms at the university, he has become engrossed deeply in unique Japanese aesthetics cherishing distortions and cracks. Completing his Ph.D. at Tokyo University of the Arts in 1992, he published a book “Cherishing Distortions” in 2002 from Pola Research Institute of Beauty and Culture. In this exhibition, we will present works that Jun deliberately distorted, cracked, and chipped, based on his strong admiration for the “imbalanced beauty”. For some people, “cracks” and “distortions” that created intentionally are sometimes grotesque, calculating, and less beautiful than those that happened naturally. He, however, wishes that the gallery visitors enjoy the imperfection they have as well. ―[...] I want to create the works that are cracked, chipped, and distorted, but at the same time, they are shining in gold and silver by coloring beautifully as hard as I can. We humans should be loved by people even if we have a handicap, are nonstandard, are different from others, or have shortcomings. That is what I’m trying to express in my works. (From the interview for this exhibition) This exhibition will simultaneously be held at 2 venues, UCHIGO and SHIZIMI Gallery (Jimbo-cho) and Wada Garou Tokyo (Ginza). We will display various types of his ceramics, not only tea bowls and flat plates but also installation art and large-scale objects. It would be a valuable opportunity to see his works together in one place, so we hope you enjoy them at the venue! PROFILE Jun Kawajiri | Japanese ceramic artist Born in 1964 in Kyoto, Jun Kawajiri completed his Ph.D. at Tokyo University of the Arts in 1992. He has explored “Japanese unique aesthetics” and “the beauty of the structural imbalance”, such as distortions used in tea bowls, seemingly an imbalanced structure of windows or pillars in tea rooms, or paintings on folding screens having extreme margin; they are completely different from the Western Europe's one taking the perfect structure for sense of beauty. He mainly creates tea bowls and three-dimensional or flat objects. INFORMATION ※Please note that opening hours and holidays vary depending on the venue. An exhibition of ceramic works by Jun Kawajiri Distortion, Crack and Shining. That’s Japanese Ceramic! March 16–April 30, 2021 *OPENING RECEPTION HAS BEEN CANCELED. ■Venue 1: UCHIGO and SHIZIMI Gallery Dates: March 16–April 30, 2021 Opening hours:Mon.-Fri. 10:30~18:00 Closed on Sat, San, and national holidays Maison de Ville Kanda Jinbocho 1F (Jinbocho Sakura Street) 2-11-4, Kanda Jinbo-cho, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 101-0061 Japan +81-(0)3-6261-0018 [email protected] ■Venue 2: Wada Garou Tokyo Dates: March 16–April 30, 2021 Opening hours:Tue.- San. 13:00~18:30 Closed on Mon and national holidays 3F 3-5-16, Ginza , Chuo-ku, Tokyo, Japan 104-0061 +81-(0)3-6263-2404 [email protected] |
歪んで 割れて 光ってる。 それが日本の陶芸! 会期: 2021年3月16日(火)–4月30日(金) ※オープニングレセプションは開催いたしません。 このたびUCHIGO and SHIZIMI Gallery、及び和田画廊では、2021年3月16日(火)より陶芸家・川尻潤による作陶展「歪んで割れて光ってる。それが日本の陶芸!」を開催いたします。 江戸時代中期から代々陶業に携わる家柄で育ち、ご実家は4代続く京都・清水焼の窯元です。ご自身も工房を清水焼の窯元が集まる陶業地に構え作品制作を続けています。そんな川尻氏は、学生時代に日本庭園や茶室の構造から「不均衡の美」を知ったことをきっかけに、歪み・割れ・欠けを愛でる日本特有の美意識の虜となりました。その後研究を続け東京芸術大学大学院博士課程を修了し、2002年には著書『歪みを愛でる』(ポーラ文化研究所)を出版します。 本展では、彼の「不均衡の美」に対する強い憧れから、故意に歪みや割れ、欠けをつけ制作された作品を発表いたします。人為的に生み出された「割れ」や「歪み」は自然にできたそれらに比べると、時にグロテスクで、あざとく、美ではないのかもしれません。ですがご来廊者の皆様にはそのことも含めて観賞していただきたいと川尻氏は願っています。 ―〔中略〕割れて欠けて歪んではいるけれど、いっしょうけんめい綺麗な色を纏って、金色や銀色にも光っている、私はそういう焼き物を生み出したいのです。人間だって、ハンディキャップがあったり、規格外だったり、他の人と何かが違ったり、欠点やダメなところがいろいろあっても、それはきっと愛でられるべきものなのです。私が作品に込めているメッセージはそういうことだと思います。 本展に向けてのメッセージより抜粋 また今回は、UCHIGO and SHIZIMI Gallery(神保町)、及び和田画廊(銀座)の2会場で同時開催いたします。 茶碗だけでなく、インスタレーションや大きなオブジェ、平面作品など川尻氏の多様な種類の作品を展示する予定です。 貴重なこの機会にご高覧賜りますようお願い申し上げます。 PROFILE 川尻 潤 Jun Kawajiri | 陶芸家 1964年京都に生まれ、1992年東京藝術大学大学院博士課程を修了(デザイン専攻)。茶道に用いる茶碗の歪み、茶室の内部における窓や柱の一見アンバランスな造形、余白を極端に残す屏風絵など、「西欧における均整のとれた造形美」とは全く異なる「日本独自の美意識」・「不均衡な美」を追求する陶芸家。立体や平面のオブジェ、茶器を主に制作。 INFORMATION ※本展覧会は2会場で開催されます。会場によって営業時間・休廊日が異なりますので、ご注意ください。 ■第1会場:UCHIGO and SHIZIMI Gallery 会期: 2021年3月16日(火)–4月30日(金) 営業時間:月〜金 10:30~18:00 休廊日:土・日・祝 〒101-0051東京都千代田区神田神保町2-11-4メゾン・ド・ヴィレ 神田神保町1F (神保町さくら通り) Tel /Fax: 03-6261-0018 email: [email protected] ■第2会場: 和田画廊 会期: 2021年3月16日(火)–4月30日(金) 営業時間:火〜日13:00~18:30 休廊日:月・祝 〒104-0061東京都中央区銀座3-5-16 第2島田ビル3F Tel/Fax: 03-6263-2404 email: [email protected] |