このたびAMMON TOKYOでは、9⽉30⽇(⾦)より東京都出⾝のヒヒトマサ(HIHHITO MASA)による個展を開催いたします。幼少期をバンコクやシドニーで過ごし、10代の帰国時に⺟国の⽇本、東京の無秩序な街並みや雑踏、そこから⽣じる巨⼤なエネルギーにカルチャーショックを覚えたヒヒトマサ⽒。その出来事を発端にサルバドール・ダリやアインシュタインに強い影響を受け、物理学への造詣を深めます。 本展では、物理学的な現象を取り⼊れた可視化できない空間のエネルギーや⾵の流れを表現した作品群AIRPROCESSシリーズにて展⽰を構成いたします。是⾮ご⾼覧賜れますと幸いです。 AMMON TOKYO is pleased to announce a solo exhibition by Tokyo-born artist HIHHITO MASA starting Friday, September 30. After spending his childhood in Bangkok and Sydney, HIHHITO MASA experienced culture shock when he returned to Japan as a teenager, surrounded by the enormous energy of disorderly streets and the hustle and bustle of his native country of Japan, Tokyo. This happening triggered his strong influence on Salvador Dali and Einstein, and deepened his knowledge of physics. In this exhibition, HIHHITO MASA will present his AIRPROCESS series, a group of works that express the flow of wind and energy in spaces that cannot be visualized, incorporating physics-based phenomena. We hope you will take the opportunity to visit the exhibition
ARTIST STATEMENT 我々が⽇々⽣活をするこの地球上の空間は⾃然のエネルギーで満ち溢れています。 それは、太陽や⾵をもって感じることもでき、時には、気功師がいうようなʼ気ʼに満ち溢れたエネルギーをいいます。物理学者であれば、それらを超弦理論と呼んだり、ダークマターと呼んだります。また、エーテル体という概念においては、時間や空間、そして重⼒を司るものであったりすると考えられています。⽇々、存在する⼀瞬には、その全てにベクトル的な⽅向性があり、その軌跡が存在します。AIRPROCESS シリーズはそれらの可視化できないエネルギーや⾵の流れをイメージして、作られた作品です。 このシリーズでは、2本のラインを使い、⾵の流れまたは、空間に流れるエネルギーをイメージし表現しています。1本⽬のラインはベースラインとし、2本⽬のラインは副線として描いています。副線がベースラインの廻りを広がったり、近づいたりすることでそのエネルギーの強弱や、ベクトル性を感じさせています。 2本の線は、⼩さな⽯から始まり、⼈々の顔や、建物の前を流れていくことで、普段のごく普通のロケーションで起きている、可視化できない空間のエネルギーのダイナミズムを表現しています。 この絵を⾒た⼈が、普段何気なく⽣活している空間も宇宙の⼀部であり、ダイナミックな空間のエネルギーの中につつまれていることの気付きになり、すべての瞬間は奇跡の連続でできていることを感じていただければと思っています。
The space on this earth where we live every day is filled with natural energy. It can be felt with the sun or the wind, and sometimes it is energy full of 'Biomagnetism' as qigong therapists call it. Physicists call it superstring theory or dark matter. In the concept of the Ethereal Body, it is also thought to be the controller of time, space, and gravity. The AIRPROCESS series of works is created with the image of these invisible energies and the flow of the wind. In this series, two lines are used to express the image of wind flow or energy flowing through space.The first line is the base line, and the second line is the secondary line. The secondary line moves around the base line, giving the impression of strength and vectoriality of the energy. The two lines start from a small stone and flow over people's faces and in front of buildings to express the dynamism of the energy of space, which cannot be visualized, occurring in ordinary locations. I hope that the viewers of this painting will realize that the space in which we live our lives without thinking, is a part of the universe, and that we are surrounded by the dynamic energy of space, and that every moment is a series of miracles.
Airprocess face#1 Acrylic on canvas with sai, 2022, 60.6×72.7cm
Airprocess structure#3 Acrylic on canvas with sai, 2022, 65.2×91cm
AMMON TOKYO 会期: 2022年9⽉30⽇(⾦) ‒ 10⽉15⽇(⼟) 営業時間:⽉〜土 10:00〜18:30 休廊⽇:日・祝 〒101-0051東京都千代⽥区神⽥神保町2-11-4メゾン・ド・ヴィレ 神⽥神保町1F (神保町さくら通り) Tel / Fax: 03-6261-0018 email: in[email protected]
AMMON TOKYO Dates: September 30th (Fri.) - October 25th (Sat.) 2022 Opening hours: Monday - Saturday 10:00~18:30 Closed: Sundays & National Holidays Maison de Ville Kanda Jimbocho 1F, 2-11-4 Kanda Jimbocho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0051, Japan Tel / Fax: 03-6261-0018 email: [email protected]
HIHHITO MASA Born in Tokyo, 1972. By incorporating physical phenomena into his works, he expresses the energy of space and the flow of wind, which cannot be visualized. He spent his childhood in Bangkok and Sydney, and returned to Japan in his teens. He was shocked by the chaotic streets and crowds of his native Japan and Tokyo, as well as the enormous energy they generated. Around the same time, he encountered Salvador Dali's "Premonition of Civil War," and the dark blue sky stretching to the sky at the back of the painting depicting the spiritual world synchronized with what he saw in Sydney. Later, guided by Einstein, who also influenced many surrealists and cubists, he deepened his knowledge of physics, and then began to teach himself painting. In addition to his day job, he creates works with a strong element of hydrodynamics, which he acquired during his college days.