この度AMMON TOKYO では、8月9 日より当画廊の代表・横山第悟による個展を特別開催いたします。 高校生時代に芸術家を志していた横山氏ですが、実業家であった両親の反対に遭ったことからその夢を断念 しています。 Get my life back! と題された本展では、本業の傍ら、その無念さを表現力へと昇華している横山氏による彫刻 作品を発表いたします。是非ご高覧賜れますと幸いです。
AMMON TOKYO is pleased to announce a special solo exhibition by Daigo Yokoyama, owner of the gallery, from August 9th. Yokoyama aspired to be an artist when he was a high school student, but had to give up on his dream because of his parents, who were businessmen, opposed it. This exhibition entitled “Get my life back!”, presents sculptures by Yokoyama, who is sublimating his regret into expression while working at his main business. We are sincerely looking forward to seeing you to the venue.
ARTIST STATEMENT 高校生の頃、美術の道を断念せざるを得なかったくやしさ、無念さを粘土造形にぶつけております。 私が造りたいものだけを造ってきました。
When I was a high school student, I had to give up the path of art, and I put my frustration and regret into clay modeling. I have created only what I wanted to create.
INFORMATION 横山第悟展 Get my life back! AMMON TOKYO 会期: 2022年8⽉9⽇(火) ‒ 8⽉16⽇(火) 営業時間:⽉〜⽇ 10:00〜18:30 会期中無休 〒101-0051東京都千代⽥区神⽥神保町2-11-4メゾン・ド・ヴィレ 神⽥神保町1F (神保町さくら通り) Tel / Fax: 03-6261-0018 email: [email protected]
DAIGO YOKOYAMA Solo Exhibition Get my life back! AMMON TOKYO Dates:Tuesday, August 9th - Tuesday, August 16th, 2022 Opening hours: Monday - Sunday 10:00~18:30 Opening dates: Every day Maison de Ville Kanda Jimbocho 1F, 2-11-4 Kanda Jimbocho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0051, Japan Tel / Fax: 03-6261-0018 email: [email protected]