The Water Support the Fire, The Water Support the Fire. Day Version
(旧 UCHIGO and SHIZIMI Gallery)
このたびAMMON TOKYOでは、2022年7⽉1⽇(⾦)より上海出⾝の画家、蔡云逸 (サイ・ウンイツ | CAI YUNYI Clarice) による個展を開催いたします。 ⽔と炎の関係性をテーマとした本展は、6⽉10⽇〜7⽉3⽇までGallery-1 (APARTMENT HOTEL SHINJUKU / 地下⼀階) にて開催される同作家の個展と連動し、昼と夜の視点に分けて開催いたします。 当画廊では「昼の思考」に焦点を当て、展⽰を構成いたします。⾔葉の発⽣よりも先にある無垢な物語を意識しながら表現に挑む、蔡⽒独⾃のポエティックな世界観を是⾮お楽しみください。 皆様のご来廊を⼼よりお待ち申し上げます。
AMMON TOKYO is pleased to announce a solo exhibition by CAI YUNYI Clarice, painter from Shanghai, starting July 1st, 2022.
This exhibition, exploring the relationship between water and fire, will be held in collaboration with the artist's solo exhibition at Gallery-1 (APARTMENT HOTEL SHINJUKU / B1F) from June 10 to July 3, and will be divided into daytime and nighttime perspectives. Our gallery will be focusing on the "daytime thoughts" throughout the exhibition.
We hope you enjoy Cai's unique poetic view of the world, in which they try to express themselves while being conscious of the innocent story that precedes the development of words. We look forward to your visit.
ARTIST STATEMENT ある⿊髪ロングの⼥の⼈が私の後ろに呟いていた。 夢のなかに聞こえたフレーズが魔法のようにインスピレーションをくれた。 ⽔と炎とは何か。なぜ⽔が炎を⽀えるのか。 ⽔と炎が、壊滅的でありながら調和的に共存するシチュエーションがあるのだろうか。 もしあるとすれば、どのような光景であろうか。 今回は夜の思考と昼の思考、即ち⼆回の個展を通してこの謎のフレーズについて考える。 絵画は私の謎を作り、そして謎を解ける道具。引き継ぎ鑑賞者に謎を提供する装置としての存在でもある。 展⽰をまるで⼀つの夢のように体験してもらうことを期待している。
A certain woman with long dark hair was muttering behind me. The phrase I heard in my dream magically inspired me. What is water and fire? Why does water choke out the flames? Is there a situation in which water and fire coexist in a devastating yet harmonious manner? If so, what kind of scene would it be? In this exhibition, I will consider this enigmatic phrase through my thoughts of night and day, that is, through two solo exhibitions. Paintings are my tools for creating and solving riddles. It is also a device that takes over and offers mystery to the viewer. I hope that viewers will experience the exhibition as if it were a dream.
INFORMATION 蔡云逸 (サイ・ウンイツ | CAI YUNYI Clarice) 個展 The Water Support the Fire, The Water Support the Fire. Day Version AMMON TOKYO 会期: 2022年7⽉1⽇(⾦) ‒ 8⽉6⽇(⼟) 営業時間:⽉〜⽇ 10:00〜18:30 休廊⽇:祝⽇ 〒101-0051東京都千代⽥区神⽥神保町2-11-4メゾン・ド・ヴィレ 神⽥神保町1F (神保町さくら通り) Tel / Fax: 03-6261-0018 email: [email protected]
CAI YUNYI Clarice Solo Exhibition The Water Support the Fire, The Water Support the Fire. Day Version AMMON TOKYO Dates: Friday, July 1st - Saturday, August 6th, 2022 Opening hours: Monday -Sunday 10:00~18:30 Closed: National Holidays Maison de Ville Kanda Jimbocho 1F, 2-11-4 Kanda Jimbocho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101-0051, Japan Tel / Fax: 03-6261-0018 email: [email protected]
PROFILE 蔡云逸 (サイ・ウンイツ | CAI YUNYI Clarice) | 美術家 1995 年上海⽣まれ。ドリームダイアリーと記憶をベースとした物語を想像し、ポエティックな作品を作る。 2018年東京藝術⼤学院美術研究科先端表現専攻卒業、現在武蔵野美術⼤学博⼠後期課程在籍。第56回昭和会展パリ賞、「TOKYO MIDTOWN AWARD 2021」アート部⾨優秀賞を受賞。
CAI YUNYI Clarice | Artist Born in 1995 in Shanghai. She creates poetic works by imagining stories based on dream diaries and memories. Graduated from the Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate School of Fine Arts, Department of Advanced Expression in 2018, and currently enrolled in the doctoral program at Musashino Art University. She received the Paris Prize at the 56th Showakai Exhibition and the Excellence Award in the Art Division of the "TOKYO MIDTOWN AWARD 2021".
RECENT EXHIBITIONS 2021 個展「The Last Evil in the World」武蔵野美術⼤学校内、東京 「太陽展」⽇動画廊、東京 「シェル美術賞2021」国⽴新美術館、東京 「People in landscape展」Totem Pole Photo Gallery、東京 2022 「⻑亭GALLERY展」⻑亭GALLERY、東京 「ストリートミュージアム2022」東京ミッドタウン、東京 「IWAKAN MAGAZINE 3rd EXHIBITION」tata bookshop/gallery、東京
2021 Solo Exhibition "The Last Evil in the World", Musashino Art University Campus, Tokyo Taiyo Exhibition," Nichido Gallery, Tokyo Shell Art Award 2021," The National Art Center, Tokyo People in landscape," Totem Pole Photo Gallery, Tokyo 2022 "Chotei GALLERY Exhibition," Chotei Gallery, Tokyo Street Museum 2022," Tokyo Midtown, Tokyo IWAKAN MAGAZINE 3rd EXHIBITION", tata bookshop/gallery, Tokyo AWARDS 2018 「武蔵野美術⼤学 卒業・修了制作展」学科賞 2019 「アートオリンピア展」佳作⼊選 2021 第56回 ⽇動画廊 昭和会展 パリ賞 「TOKYO MIDTOWN AWARD 2021」アート部⾨ 優秀賞 「第39回上野の森美術館⼤賞展」⼊選 「シェル美術賞2021」⼊選
2018 "Musashino Art University Graduation and Completion Works Exhibition" Department Prize 2019 "Art Olympia Exhibition" Honorable Mention 2021 "The 56th Nichido Gallery Showa-kai Exhibition" Paris Prize 2021 "TOKYO MIDTOWN AWARD 2021", Excellent Prize, Art Division Selected, The 39th Ueno Royal Museum Grand Prize Exhibition 2021 Shell Art Award, Honorable Mention