AMMON TOKYO is pleased to announce the first solo exhibition with a calligraphy artist Aki Nakata, own axis, on view from September 8th to September 30th.The theme of this exhibition, "own axis," symbolizes the artist's passion to live each day without wavering from her axis, and her thoughts and actions have become the driving force behind her new works. We hope you will enjoy the expressive differences in the ink mixed by the artist himself and the natural blotches that appear after the ink has left his hands, as well as her free expression. We sincerely look forward to your visit.
ARTIST STATEMENT 幼い頃から書を学び、書は私を支えてくれる一つの要素でした。"他人軸ではなく、自分軸で生きる自分を大切にしていきたい" そんな意識を持つ今、思いと行動が一致して、書は自分を突き動かす情熱の源となっています。 書の伝統を学び、愛し、継承していく中でアートとしての新しい書のカタチを探求し続けています。
I have studied calligraphy since I was a child and calligraphy has remained one of the elements that has sustained me. "I want to respect myself, to live my life on the axis of self, not on the axis of others." Now that I have this awareness, my thoughts and actions are aligned, and calligraphy has become a source of passion that drives me. Learning, loving, and passing on the tradition of calligraphy, I continue to explore new forms of calligraphy as Art.
Aki Nakata Solo Exhibition "own axis" September 8th – September 30th, 2023 Opening Reception:Friday, September 8th from 4 to 7 pm (No reservation required)
Venue: AMMON TOKYO Hours: Monday - Sunday 10:00~18:30 Closed: National holiday Maison de Ville Kanda Jimbocho 1F, 2-11-4 Kanda Jimbocho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 101005 Tel/Fax: 03-6261-0018 Email: [email protected]
Aki NAKATA After studying at Doshisha Women’s College of Liberal Arts, Nakata obtained the title of Shodo Shihan (Master Calligrapher) in 2015. Established Syouka Japanese Calligraphy Class in Toyonaka City, Osaka, and teaches calligraphy, including group lessons for kids, and private lessons for handicapped children. Nakata has studied under Mr. Shoshu since 2022, and she started her career as a calligraphy artist. Since then, Nakata has been commissioned to create calligraphy for companies, stores, sumo supporters’ associations, apparel brands, naming calligraphy, interior design calligraphy, and more. Actively working to expand her activities to domestic and international exhibitions and group shows.